

Human Nutrition Unit, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, Clermont Ferrand, France
Principal Investigator
Dr. Claudine MANACH
Co-investigators:  Dr. Christine MORAND (Researcher), Dr. Laurent Emanuel MONFOULET (Researcher), Dr. Dragan MILENKOVIC (Researcher), Dr. Mariem ACHOUR (Post-doc), Dr. Eliane FIALHO DE OLIVEIRA (Visiting scientist- Univ. Rio de Janeiro), Pierre MICHEAU (Data manager), Frank GIACOMONI (Bioinformatician), Nils PAUHLE (Bioinformatician)
Roles in the project: Coordination of the project, WP4 Leader, Partner in WP1,WP2 and WP3
The team is leading the development of the PhytoHub website and is involved in the inventory of known metabolites, health effects, and mechanisms of action of some families of phytochemicals, in the generation of in silico predicted metabolites, in the collection of analytical data, validation of biomarkers of food intake, and application of metabolomics in proof of concept studies to assess phytochemical exposure and the impact of interindividual variation.



Human Nutrition Unit, Department of Food and Drugs, University of Parma, Parma, Italy
Principal Investigator: Prof. Daniele DEL RIO
 Dr. Pedro MENA (Associate Professor), Dr. Letizia BRESCIANI (Assistant Professor), Dr. Claudia FAVARI (Post-doc), Giuseppe DI PEDE (Ph.D. student), Nicole TOSI (Ph.D. student), Cristiana MIGNOGNA (Ph.D. student).
Roles in the project:Leader of WP2, and partner WP1, WP3, and WP4
The team is leading the collection of information on known metabolites and participates actively in other activities such as the inventory of health effects attributed to some families of phytochemicals, the collection of analytical data, the validation of biomarkers of food intake, and the application of metabolomics in proof of concept studies to assess phytochemical exposure and the impact of interindividual variation. Junior members are also actively involved in the ECS activities.



Max Rubner-Institut, Department of Safety and Quality of Fruit and Vegetables, Karlsruhe, Germany
Principal Investigator
Prof. Sabine E. KULLING
Co-investigators:Dr.Sebastian SOUKUP (Researcher), Dr.Carina MACK (Post-doc), Dr.Christoph HASSENBERG (Post-doc)
Roles in the project: Leader of WP3, and partner of WP1 and WP2.
The team is developing a targeted LC-MS/MS method with the aim to validate biomarkers of food intake for plant-based foods. The method will be applied in proof of concept studies to assess the food intake of selected plant foods. The team is also involved in the inventory of known metabolites and the assessment of phytochemical exposure and the impact of interindividual variation of some families of phytochemicals (WP2).



IDIBAPS, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, Cardiovascular risk, nutrition, and aging research group, Barcelona, Spain
Principal Investigator:Prof. Ramon ESTRUCH

Co-investigators:  Dr. Rosa CASAS (Post-Doc), Sara CASTRO BAQUERO (Ph.D. student), Ana Maria RUIZ LEON (Ph.D. student), Francesc Casanovas (Ph.D. student)
Roles in the project: WP1 Leader, Partner in WP2, WP3, and WP4
The team is leading the upgrade of the open-access database PhytoHub with consolidated knowledge reviewed by experts on the cardiometabolic health effects, metabolism, and mechanisms of action of food phytochemicals. First, we will define a PhytoHub’s ontology for clinical, functional parameters, and molecular targets related to weight management and cardiometabolic. And second, we will identify the top 50 food and phytochemicals for health data collection, considering different factors such as the shopping basket and the number of studies that have been conducted with the food and phytochemical on obesity and cardiometabolic disease prevention. Finally, we will extract data from the selected publications and we will enter in PhytoHub and define guidelines for systematic search and evaluation of mechanistic studies and randomized controlled trials describing effects of plant foods or food phytochemicals on retained health endpoints, using PRISMA and Cochrane Handbook principles.




The Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Biology and Biological Engineering,
Food and Nutrition Science, Gothenburg, Sweden
Principal Investigator
Dr.Rikard Landberg
Co-investigators:Dr. Otto SAVOLAINEN (Researcher), Dr. Kati Hanhineva (Visiting Researcher), Dr. Stefania Noerman (Post-Doc), Marina Armeni (Ph.D. student)

Roles in the project: Partner in WP2 and WP3
The team is together with the MRI institute leading the analytical method development aiming at a comprehensive assessment of plant food intake. The team also actively participates in other activities such as the collection of analytical data, validation of biomarkers of food intake, and application of metabolomics in proof of concept studies to assess phytochemical exposure and the impact of interindividual variation.

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Department of Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, King’s College London, London,  United Kingdom
Principal Investigator
Dr. Ana Rodriguez Mateos 
Co-investigator:Alex CHEOK (Ph.D. student)
Roles in the project: involved in WP1, 2 and 3
The team is involved in the health data collection in the PhyoHub database and in data collection on phytochemicals known metabolites. 

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Departments of Computing Science and Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Principal Investigator
Prof. David WISHART
Co-investigators:Dr. Mark BREJANSKII (Research associate), Dr. Anchi GUO (Research associate), Dr. Mickel HIERBERT (Research associate), Dr.Vasuk GAUTAM (Research associate), Dr. Brian LEE (Post-Doc), Claudia Torres (Research assistant), Siyang TIAN (Research assistant), Fei WANG (Ph.D. student), Zinat SAYEEDA (Master student)
Roles in the project: Involved in WP1 and WP2
The team is involved in tools development to predict phytochemical metabolites in humans, in the analytical data collection for phytochemical metabolites, and in the implementation of these data in the PhytoHub database.

University of Barcelona

Department of Nutrition, Food Sciences, and Gastronomy, University of Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain
Principal Investigator
Co-investigators:Dr. Anna TRESSERRA RIMBAU (Researcher), Dr. ANNA VALLVERDU QUERALT (Researcher),Dr. Sara HURTADO BARROSO (Post-doc), María MARHUENDA MUÑOZ (PhD student), Julián LOZANO CASTELLON (PhD student), Danilo ESCOBAR AVELLO (PhD student), Anallely LOPEZ YERENA (PhD student), Emily Pilar LAVERIANO SANTOS (PhD student), Sonia Leticia RAMIREZ GARZA (PhD student), Alexandra OLMO CUNILLERA (PhD student), Marta TRIUS SOLER (PhD student), Isabella PARILLI MOSER (PhD student), Camila Fernanda ARANCIBIA RIVEROS (PhD student), Inés DOMINGUEZ LOPEZ (PhD student)
Roles in the project: involved in WP1 and WP2 activities and in ECS coordination
The team is involved in the ECS (Early Career Scientists) tasks, mainly in the following tasks: social media, blog, material for the website, list of food phytochemicals and health biomarkers, and use cases. The team is also involved in the systematic reviews and meta-analysis writing (WP1 task) and in data collection of known metabolites of anthocyanins (WP2 task).