
  1. Di Pede, G., P. Mena, L. Bresciani, M. Achour, R. M. Lamuela-Raventós, R. Estruch, R. Landberg, S. E. Kulling, D. Wishart, A. Rodriguez-Mateos, A. Crozier, C. Manach and D. Del Rio (2022). "Revisiting the bioavailability of flavan-3-ols in humans: A systematic review and comprehensive data analysis." Molecular Aspects of Medicine: 101146 (DOI: 10.1016/j.mam.2022.101146).
  2. Noerman,S., J.K. Virtanen,M.Lehtonen, C. Brunius and  K.Hanhineva (2022). " Serum metabolites associated with wholegrain consumption using nontargeted metabolic profiling: a discovery and reproducibility study". European Journal of Nutrition (DOI: 10.1007/s00394-022-03010-x)
  3. Noerman, S, Landberg, R. (2022). "Blood metabolite profiles linking dietary patterns with health—Toward precision nutrition". Journal of Internal Medicine 00: 1– 25 (DOI:10.1111/joim.13596) 
  4. Kay, C., M.N. Clifford, P.Mena, G.J. McDougall, C.Andreas-Lacueva, A.Cassidy, D.Del Rio, N.Kuhnert, C.Manach, G.Pereira-Caro, A.Rodriguez-Mateos, A.Scalbert, F.Tomas-Barberan, G.Williamson, D.Wishart and A.Crozier (2020). "Recommendations for standardizing nomenclature for dietary (poly)phenol catabolites." The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 112(4):1051-1068 (DOI: 10.1093/ajcn/nqaa204)



Oral presentations

  1. Ana Maria RUIZ-LEON (IDIBAPS) presented the oral communication "Association Of Changes In Dietary Polyphenol Intake And Body Adiposity After One year Of Follow-up: A PREDIMED-PLUS Sub-studyat the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th June 2022.  
  2. Claudine MANACH (INRAE) presented the oral communication "Marqueurs métabolomiques de l’alimentation" at Demi-journée France-Quebec Metabolomique et Nutrition, Online, 13th December 2022. 
  3. Claudine MANACH (INRAE) presented the oral communication "New Developments for The Database Phytohub 2.0 On Plant Food Bioactives: Health Effects and Analytics for Metabolomicsat the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th June 2022.
  4. Claudine MANACH (INRAE) presented the oral communication "Participation aux projets JPI FoodBAll et FoodPhyt : Retour d’expérience" at Matinée Bilan de la JPI HDHL, organized by ITMO Circulation, métabolisme et Nutrition, online, 29thApril 2022. 
  5. Claudine MANACH (INRAE) presented the oral communication "Applications and points of caution for untargeted metabolomics in polyphenol research10th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH), London, United Kingdom, 20th-23rd, April 2022.
  6. Daniele DEL RIO (University of Parma) presented the oral communication "Human metabolism of polyphenols and polyphenol effects on human metabolism: the story so far"  at the 72nd SIF National Congress (The Italian Society of Physiology), Bari, Italy, 14th - 16th September 2022.
  7. Daniele DEL RIO (University of Parma) presented the oral communication "Polifenoli della dieta e prevenzione delle complicanze cardio-metaboliche: notizie dal fronte della ricerca" at the Stili di vita, nutrizione e longevità: le nuove sfide. Dalla prevenzione alla cura dell’obesità e delle complicanze cardio-metaboliche, Castelbuono (Palermo), Italy, 26th-29th May 2022.
  8. Eliane FIALHO (INRAE) presented the oral communication "Biomarkers Of Intake Of Cruciferous Vegetables – A Review Based On Human Intervention Studiesat the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th June 2022. 
  9. Emily-Pilar LAVERIANO-SANTOS (University of Barcelona) presented the oral communication "Microbial Phenolic Metabolites And Their Relationship With (Poly)phenol-rich Foods In Spanish Adolescents Enrolled In The Si! Program For Secondary Schools: A Cross-sectional Studyat the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th June 2022. 
  10. Letizia BRESCIANI (University of Parma) presented the Keynote "The Evolution of Approaches and Methods in The Study of Phenolic Compound Bioavailabilityat the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th June 2022.  
  11. Mariem ACHOUR (INRAE) presented the oral communication "Identification Of Metabotypes For Cocoa Flavan-3-ols Metabolism Using Untargeted Metabolomics In A Large Controlled Intervention Studyat the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th June 2022. 
  12. Mariem ACHOUR (INRAE) presented the oral communication "The Networking & Roles of Early Carrier Scientists in the JPI Project FoodPhyt"  at the Scientific Animation of the Human Nutrition Unit of INRAE, Clermont Ferrand, France, on February 1st, 2022.
  13. Mariem ACHOUR (INRAE) presented the talk "Rosemary Phytochemicals: An Overview of Their Metabolic Properties and Effects on Mental Health." at the Current issues in food and nutrition science webinar series organized by the MATE Institute of Food Science & Technology, Budapest, Hungary, on February, 8th, 2022.
  14. Maria MARHUENDA-MUÑOZ (University of Barcelona) presented the oral communication "Does Carotenoid Plasma Concentration Depend On Fat Consumption? Baseline Analysis From The PREDIMED-plus Studyat the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th June 2022. 
  15. Pedro MENA (University of Parma) presented the oral communication "Personalized nutrition with dietary (poly)phenols: the importance of proper metabotyping strategies"  at the 1st International Food Data Science Workshop, Valencia, Spain, 30th November - 2nd December 2022.
  16. Pedro MENA (University of Parma) presented the oral communication "Metabolism of polyphenols (by mammalian cells and gut microbiota): significance in the production of physiological relevant metabolitesat the Redox Biology Congress, Ghent, Belgium, 24th-26th, June 2022.
  17. Wafa ALOTAIBI (KCL) presented the oral communication "Inter-individual Variability In Gut Microbial Metabolism Influences The Vascular Response To Lignans: Results From Stratipol And Cardioflax Studiesat the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th June 2022.
  18.  Xu YIFAN (KCL) presented the oral communication "What Is Missed Out In Dietary Assessment?—Comparison Between Estimated Dietary (Poly)phenol Intake And Biomarkersat the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24thJune 2022. 

Poster presentations

  1. Alex CHEOK (KCL) presented the poster "Dragon Fruit Phytochemicals Improve Vascular And Endothelial Function: An Insight From Human Randomised Controlled Trialat the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th June 2022.
  2. Claudia FAVARI (University of Parma) presented the poster "Development Of A Platform For The Analysis Of Biomarkers Of Food Intake Within The Eu H2020 Preventomics Project"  at the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th June 2022.
  3. Claudia FAVARI (University of Parma) presented the poster "Metabotypes of flavan-3-ol colonic metabolites after cranberry intake: elucidation and statistical approaches" at the 10th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH), London, United Kingdom, 20th-23rd, April 2022.
  4. Claudine MANACH (INRAE) presented the poster "Untargeted Metabolomics to Explore the Interindividual Variation in the Metabolism of Flavan-3-ols after Standardized Acute Intake of Cocoa" at 18th NuGO week, Tarragona, Spain, 29 august – 1st Sept 2022. 
  5. Cristiana Mignogna (Unversity of Parma) presented the poster " Identification Of Aggregate Metabolic Phenotypes For Dietary (Poly)phenols And Assessment Of The Factors Associated With Their Formation: Development Of An Oral (Poly)phenol Challenge Test (OPCT)" at the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th June 2022.
  6. Giuseppe DI PEDE (University of Parma) presented the poster "Revisiting The Bioavailability Of Flavan-3-ols In Humans: Systematic Review And Comprehensive Data Analysis" at the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th, June 2022.
  7. Letizia BRESCIANI (University of Parma) presented the poster "In vitro fecal fermentation of monomeric and oligomeric flavan-3-ols: Catabolic pathways and stoichiometry" at the 10th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH), London, United Kingdom, 20-23rd, April 2022.
  8. Marta TRIUS SOLER (University of Barcelona) presented the poster "Taste Perception In A College-aged Cohort: The Relationship Among The Five Basic Tastesat the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th, June 2022.
  9. Mariem ACHOUR (INRAE) presented the poster "Last updates of the PhytoHub database for better knowledge about food phytochemicals"  at the 10th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH), London, United Kingdom, 20th-23rd, April 2022.
  10. Mariem ACHOUR (INRAE) presented the poster Interindividual variation in the metabolism of Cocoa flavan-3-ols explored with untargeted metabolomics"  at the 10th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH), London, United Kingdom, 20-23rd, April 2022.
  11. Marina ARMENI (CHALMERS) presented the poster "Development and validation of a quantitative method for measuring multiple food intake biomarkers" at the Food Science Sweden Conference Data-Driven Food Research and Innovation, Gothenburg, Sweden, on March 15th, 2022.
  12. Melanie LE SAYEC (KCL) presented the poster "Aronia Berry (Poly)phenols Improve Arterial Stiffness And Modulate Gut Microbiome Richness And Composition In Middle-Aged Men And Women: A Randomized Controlled Trialat the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th, June 2022.
  13. Nicole TOSI (University of Parma) presented the poster "Influence Of The Flavan-3-ol Structure On The Production Of Phenolic Metabolites After Consumption Of Different Flavan-3-ol Sources By Healthy Subjects" at the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Italy, Parma 21st-24th June 2022.
  14. Nicole TOSI (University of Parma) presented the poster "Influence of the flavan-3-ol structure on the production of phenolic metabolites after consumption of different flavan-3-ol sources by healthy subjects" at the 10th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH), London, United Kingdom, 20-23rd April 2022.
  15. Pedro MENA (University of Parma) presented the poster "Metabotypes Of Flavan‑3‑ol Colonic Metabolites After Cranberry Intake: Elucidation And Statistical Approachesat the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th June 2022.
  16. Pierre MICHEAU (INRAE) presented the poster "Application Of Biotransformer And The Foodphyt Knowledge Base To Predict The Most Likely Metabolites Of Food Phytochemicalsat the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24thJune 2022.
  17. Rosa CASAS (IDIBAPS) presented the poster "Circulating Endothelial Cells And Endothelial Progenitor Cells As Biomarkers For Cardiovascular Risk Assessment" at the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (FBHC), Parma, Italy, 21st-24th June 2022.
  18. Yong LI (KCL) presented the poster "The association between (poly)phenols and mood in healthy adults: evidence from dietary assessment and biomarkers" at the 10th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH), London, United Kingdom, 20-23rd April 2022.



Oral presentations

  1. Claudine MANACH (INRAE) presented the online oral communication "Food intake biomarkers" at the workshop Precision Nutrition, Gut Microbiome, and Brain Health in the Alzheimer Gut microbiome project U19 meeting, online, on Sept 27th, 2021.
  2. Claudine MANACH (INRAE) presented the online oral communication "Presentation of the FoodPhyt project" at the JPI-HDHL METADIS Mid-term Symposium online on October 5th, 2021.
  3. David WISHART (University of Alberta) presented the online oral communication "What’s Next for Metabolomics"  at the Annual Meeting of the Swiss Metabolomics Society online on October 6th, 2021.
  4. Giuseppe Di PEDE (University of Parma) presented the oral communication "Human metabolism of flavan-3-ols: highlights from the EU-JPI project "FOODPHYT-Food phytochemicals matter for cardiometabolic health"  at the XXX International Conference on Polyphenols (ICP2020 TURKU), online, 13th-15th July 2021.
  5. Otto SAVOLAINEN (CHALMERS) presented the oral communication " Dietary biomarkers 2.0: from potential towards implementation" at the NEON meeting on April 26th, 2021.

Poster presentations

  1. Christoph HASSENBERG (MRI) presented the poster "Validation of biomarkers of food intake for multiple plant foods" at the German Food Chemists Day, Wuppertal, Germany, 30th August - 1st Sept 2021 (online).
  2. Giuseppe Di PEDE (University of Parma) presented the poster "The Human metabolism of dietary phytochemicals: novelty, current findings and future perspective from the EU-LPI project "Foodphyt-Food phytochemicals matter for cardiometabolic healthat the XLI national Congress of Italian Society of Human Nutrition, online, 9-10th/16-17th April 2021.