
composition FoodPhyt



FoodPhyt Communication activities

  • ECSs are ensuring the feeding of FoodPhyt Project social media pages, including the Twitter webpage, the Facebook webpage, the LinkedIn webpage, and the Youtube Channel.
  • ECS members are creating Pitch videos (Video Scribing) and designing images to feed the website and the social media pages of the FoodPhyt Project
  • ECS members are managing the website of the FoodPhyt Project
Communication activ

Transversal Scientific activities

  • ECS contribute to different work packages activities including, the selection of the list of priority foods to consider in WP1, data collection on phytochemicals known metabolites in WP2, filling the validation templates of Food Intake biomarkers in WP3
  • Brainstorming sessions on PhytoHub use cases for WP1 and WP2
  • Development of the PhytoHub blog for communicating to a large audience knowledge and news about food phytochemicals.
  • A new activity led by a group of ECSs members consists of writing a Q/A review paper on everything you ever wanted to know about phytochemicals
PhytoHub blog


Networking and training

  • To foster networking and ensure training, ECSs are organizing monthly meetings and webinars, as well as online training courses, summer schools, and real and virtual lab visits.
Monthly meetings
Lab visit2

Other activities

  • Organization of satellite event in the 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives & Health
  • Organization of regular scientific webinars where PIs from METADIS (HDHL-INTIMIC) call projects and other external expert speakers are invited to give talks related to Nutrition and cardiometabolic health. These webinars are open to many young scientists