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The FoodPhyt Project is supported by the Joint Programming Initiative A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life 'JPI' through participating organizations' local funding agencies.

Project Duration : The FoodPhyt project started in January 2020, and it will last until March 2024.



The FoodPhyt project is divided in 4 work packages :

The Project


Health effects of food phytochemicals


Leader: IDIBAPS, Barcelona-Spain


WP1 aims to critically evaluate the strength of evidence regarding the effects and mechanisms of action of the major food phytochemicals on weight management, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. WP1 will produce systematic reviews and will make accessible to all the consolidated knowledge available in the open-access database PhytoHub.


Metabolism of food phytochemicals


Leader: University of Parma, Parma-Italy

WP2 aims to compile knowledge on metabolites of food phytochemicals and to make it available through the PhytoHub database. Data collection combines critical reviews of the literature by experts of the different families and in silico prediction of human and gut microbiota metabolism. WP2 also aims to provide analytical features for phytochemical metabolites, to facilitate their quantification in biofluids and their annotation in untargeted metabolomics profiles.


Assessment of individual exposures for food phytochemicals


Leader: Max-Rubner Institut, Karlsruhe-Germany

WP3 aims to develop inter-lab validated methods for a more detailed and precise assessment at the level of individuals of plant food intake (biomarkers-based method) and internal exposure to food phytochemical metabolites (comprehensive profiling, both targeted and untargeted). WP3 will demonstrate in proof-of-concept studies (intervention and observational studies) the usefulness of the newly developed methods to better understand the health effects of food phytochemicals, taking into consideration interindividual differences in dietary intakes and metabolism.


Coordination, networking, and dissemination

WP4 activities

Leader: INRAE, Clermont Ferrand - France

WP4 aims to ensure the smooth progress of the scheduled activities, effective networking between project partners and external collaborators, and optimized dissemination of FoodPhyt outputs.



Early Carrier Scientists skills development

ECS group activities

The Early Carrier Scientists group (ECS group) aims to optimize the training and foster the capacity building of the Early Career Scientists involved in the project. Monthly networking meetings, webinars, lab visits, and training courses are organized and ECS also proposes new ideas and concepts for advancing FoodPhyt.


Modification date: 26 September 2023 | Publication date: 04 August 2021 | By: Mariem ACHOUR